Game Changers received guidance and paint training to prepare for Washington Heights Hope Center mural.
Hugo, Oklahoma (October 01, 2023) – Game Changers October meeting consisted of Pizza Hut, Q&A session with local painter, Craig Starlin, and a motivational session by the founder of Straight Up, Durale Harper. A reminder to stay focus on what's important and anything is possible, even coming from a small town. Harper gave and signed his new book titled Dear Jr., to each attendee. A book written to his son from many lessons he endured and to be available as a tool for the times Mr. Harper will not be present. Starlin allowed students to test his stilts and begin the painting process on Washington Heights Hope Center. Highway Patrolman Frierson, Officer Arnold, and Mr. Dangerfield presence is always a joy! They are either coming to serve or guiding the students with their wisdom.
When we come together, anything is possible! Anything.
Note: Paint sponsored by Keep Oklahoma Beautiful